Hi Polima,

It seems to me that your query string is not correct ...

(A AND -(B))

AND = "+"
NOT = "-"

In lucene AND and NOT opperators are mapped internal to +/-,
(AND and NOT are supported only because they are comming from natural language)

so ...

A + - (B) makes no sense ...


Polina Litvak wrote:

I have a question regarding QueryParser and lucene-1.4.1.jar:

When using lucene-1.3-final.jar, a query of the form: Field:(A AND -(B))
was parsed into +Field:A -Field:B (using QueryParser.parse()). After making the switch to lucene-1.4.1.jar, the same query is being
parsed into Field:A Field:- Field:B which is not the desired outcome.

Does anyone know how to work around this new feature ?

Thanks, Polina

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