
I use Lucene inside a Cocoon application. The indexed documents URLs are
something like <domain-name>//<integer>/<integer>/<integer>. For example:

The searches are typically done in a subset of all available URLs.
For example in all URLS that start with "flowers//2/23/" or "animals//21/" or

I don't see how to do this with Cocoon. Maybe it's only due to some limitations
in the Cocoon implementations of searches and indexing, but anyway I would be
interested to know how it can be done in Cocoon and if not, also directly with

Here is what I have tried:
- doing a search in the @field
I have read somewhere that you can index the @uri field but don't see how to do
this with cocoon

- adding a new url field and using it for the search
It doesn't work. It seems, that due to how the urls are written (combination or
integers and '/') I cannot search for something like: url//flowers/*.

Any idea?


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