
We are going to move from a just-in-time perl based search to using
lucene in our project. I have to index emails (bodies and also
attachements). I keep in the filesystem all the bodies and attachments
for a long period of time. I have to find emails that fullfil certain
conditions, some of the conditions are take care of at a different
level, so in the end I have a SUBSET of emails I have to run through

I was assuming that the best way would be to create an index for each
email. Having an unique index for a group of emails (say a day worth
of email) seems too coarse grained, imagine a day has 10000 emails,
and some queries will like to look in only a handful of the
emails...But the problem with having one index per emails is the
massive number of emails...imagine having 100000 indexes

Anyway, any idea about that? I just wanted to check wether someones
feels I am wrong.


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