Hi folks:

      My application builds a super-index around the lucene index,
e.g. stores some additional information outside of lucene.

       I am using my own locking outside of the lucene index via
FileLock object in the jdk1.4 nio package.

       My code does the following:

FileLock lock=null;

        indexing into lucene;

        indexing additional information;


          commit lucene index by closing the IndexWriter instance.
        if (lock!=null){

Now here is the weird thing, say I terminate the process in the middle
of indexing, and run the program again, I would get a "Lock obtain
time out" exception, as long as you delete the stale lock file, the
index remains uncorrupted.

However, if I turn lucene file lock off since I have a lock outside it anyways, 
(by doing: 

and do the same thing. Instead I get an unrecoverable corrupted index.

Does lucene lock really guarentee index integrity under this kind of
abuse or am I just getting lucky?
If so, can someone shine some light on how?

Thanks in advance


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