On Nov 23, 2004, at 4:18 AM, Doug Cutting wrote:
Hoss wrote:
The attachment contains my RangeFilter, a unit test that demonstrates it,
and a Benchmarking unit test that does a side-by-side comparison with
RangeQuery [6]. If developers feel that this class is useful, then by all
means roll it into the code base. (90% of it is cut/pasted from
DateFilter/RangeQuery anyway)


DateFilter could be deprecated, and replaced with the more generally and appropriately named RangeFilter. Should we also deprecate DateField, in preference for DateTools?

Done. I deprecated DateField and DateFilter, and added the RangeFilter class contributed by Chris.

I did a little code cleanup, Chris, renaming some RangeFilter variables and correcting typos in the Javadocs. Let me know if everything looks ok.


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