On Nov 23, 2004, at 2:16 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
: I did a little code cleanup, Chris, renaming some RangeFilter variables
: and correcting typos in the Javadocs. Let me know if everything looks
: ok.

Wow ... that was fast. Things look fine to me (typo's in javadocs are my
specialty) but now I wish I'd included more tests

We can always add more tests. Anytime.

First: Is there any reason Matt Quail's "LongField" class hasn't been
added to CVS (or has it and I'm just not seeing it?)

Laziness is the only reason, at least on my part. I think adding it is a great thing. I'll look into it.

I haven't tested it extensively, but strikes me as being a crucial utility
for people who want to do any serious sorting or filtering of numeric

I debate (with myself) on whether add-ons that can be done with other code is worth adding to Lucene's core. In this case the utility methods are so commonly needed that it makes sense. But it could be argued also that there are are classes in Lucene that are not central to its operation.

Although I would suggest a few minor tweaks:
a) Rename to something like NumberTools (to be consistent with the new
DateTools and because...)


  b) Add some one line convinience methods like intToString and
     floatToString and doubleToString ala:
         return longToString(Double.doubleToLongBits(d));

No objects to having convenience methods - though I need to look at what the LongField code is providing before commenting in detail.

: And now with FilteredQuery you can have the best of both worlds :)

See, this is what I'm not getting: what is the advantage of the second
world? :) ... in what situations would using...

   s.search(q1, new QueryFilter(new RangeQuery(t1,t2,true));

...be a better choice then...

s.search(q1, new RangeFilter(t1.field(),t1.text(),t2.text(),true,true);

Note that I said FilteredQuery, not QueryFilter.

Certainly RangeFilter is cleaner than using a QueryFilter(RangeFilter) combination - that's why we added it. :)


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