hy george
is the C# lucene faster than java lucene  ?  (because it seems to me
that  C# is faster than java, isn't it  ?)

nicolas maisonneuve

On Sun, 28 Nov 2004 21:08:30 -0500, George Aroush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I am please to announce the availability of dotLucene 1.4.0 RC1.  dotLucene
> is a complete port of Jakarta Lucene to C#.  The port is almost a
> line-by-line port and it includes the demos as well as all the JUnit tests.
> An index created by dotLucene is cross compatible with Jakarta Lucene and
> via verse.
> Please visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/dotlucene/ to learn more about
> dotLucene and to download the source code.
> Best regards,
> -- George Aroush
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