On Thu, 2004-12-09 at 07:32, Daniel Cortes wrote:
> Hi, I'm tying Limo (Index Monitor of Lucene) and I have a problem, 
> obviously it will be a silly problem but now I don't
> have solution.
> Someone can tell me how structure it have limo.properties file?
> because I have any example thanks.
> If you know another web-aplication for administration Lucenes Index say me.
> Thanks for all, and excuse me for my silly questions.


Julien or I will be happy to help you, but I need more information. What
version of LIMO are you using?

In LIMO 0.5.2, Julien added a new feature which allows you to configure
the LIMO web application while it is running through the limo.properties

This file is in the standard Java properties file format:

<index name>=<filesystem location>

However, you shouldn't need to care about this detail, as there is a
method to add indexes from the web application.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Luke Francl
LIMO developer

P.S.: LIMO 0.5.2 adds a new index file browser that shows you some
interesting details about your index files. Check it out!

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