
I think we're talking about different things.
My question is about using synonyms for AND/OR/NOT operators, not about 
synonyms of words in the
For example, in some language: AND = AANNDD; OR = OORR; NOT = NNOOTT

So, the user can enter:
(cat OR kitty) AND black AND tail

and either:

(cat OORR kitty) AANNDD black AANNDD tail

Both sets of operators must work.
It must be some kind of a query parser modification/parametering, so there is 
nothing to do with
the index.

I hope I was more specific now ;)


--- Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Dec 21, 2004, at 3:04 AM, Sanyi wrote:
> > What is the simplest way to add synonyms for AND/OR/NOT operators?
> > I'd like to support two sets of operator words, so people can use 
> > either the original english
> > operators and my custom ones for our local language.
> There are two options that I know of: 1) add synonyms during indexing 
> and 2) add synonyms during querying.  Generally this would be done 
> using a custom analyzer.
> If the synonym mappings are static and you don't mind a larger index, 
> adding them during indexing avoids the complexity of rewriting the 
> query.  Injecting synonyms during querying allows the synonym mappings 
> to change dynamically, though does produce more complex queries.  
> Here's an example you'll find with the source code distribution of 
> Lucene in Action which uses WordNet to look up synonyms.
>       Erik
> p.s. I'm sensitive to over-marketing Lucene in Action in this forum as 
> it would bother me to constantly see an advertisement.  You can be sure 
> that any mentions of it from me will coincide with concrete examples 
> (which are freely available) that are directly related to questions 
> being asked.
> % ant -emacs SynonymAnalyzerViewer
> Buildfile: build.xml
> check-environment:
> compile:
> build-test-index:
> build-perf-index:
> prepare:
> SynonymAnalyzerViewer:
>        Using a custom SynonymAnalyzer, two fixed strings are
>        analyzed with the results displayed.  Synonyms, from the
>        WordNet database, are injected into the same positions
>        as the original words.
>        See the "Analysis" chapter for more on synonym injection and
>        position increments.  The "Tools and extensions" chapter covers
>        the WordNet feature found in the Lucene sandbox.
> Press return to continue...
> Running lia.analysis.synonym.SynonymAnalyzerViewer...
> 1: [quick] [warm] [straightaway] [spry] [speedy] [ready] [quickly] 
> [promptly] [prompt] [nimble] [immediate] [flying] [fast] [agile]
> 2: [brown] [brownness] [brownish]
> 3: [fox] [trick] [throw] [slyboots] [fuddle] [fob] [dodger] 
> [discombobulate] [confuse] [confound] [befuddle] [bedevil]
> 4: [jumps]
> 5: [over] [o] [across]
> 6: [lazy] [faineant] [indolent] [otiose] [slothful]
> 7: [dogs]
> 1: [oh]
> 2: [we]
> 3: [get] [acquire] [aim] [amaze] [arrest] [arrive] [baffle] [beat] 
> [become] [beget] [begin] [bewilder] [bring] [can] [capture] [catch] 
> [cause] [come] [commence] [contract] [convey] [develop] [draw] [drive] 
> [dumbfound] [engender] [experience] [father] [fetch] [find] [fix] 
> [flummox] [generate] [go] [gravel] [grow] [have] [incur] [induce] [let] 
> [make] [may] [mother] [mystify] [nonplus] [obtain] [perplex] [produce] 
> [puzzle] [receive] [scram] [sire] [start] [stimulate] [stupefy] 
> [stupify] [suffer] [sustain] [take] [trounce] [undergo]
> 4: [both]
> 5: [kinds]
> 6: [country] [state] [nationality] [nation] [land] [commonwealth] [area]
> 7: [western] [westerly]
> 8: [bb]
> Total time: 10 seconds
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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