Wow, I really did misunderstand.  My apologies.

Yes, you will need to fork QueryParser.jj and install JavaCC to build your custom parser. It should be pretty trivial to add alternatives to AND(+)/OR/NOT(-).


On Dec 21, 2004, at 4:42 AM, Sanyi wrote:


I think we're talking about different things.
My question is about using synonyms for AND/OR/NOT operators, not about synonyms of words in the
For example, in some language: AND = AANNDD; OR = OORR; NOT = NNOOTT

So, the user can enter:
(cat OR kitty) AND black AND tail

and either:

(cat OORR kitty) AANNDD black AANNDD tail

Both sets of operators must work.
It must be some kind of a query parser modification/parametering, so there is nothing to do with
the index.

I hope I was more specific now ;)


--- Erik Hatcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Dec 21, 2004, at 3:04 AM, Sanyi wrote:
What is the simplest way to add synonyms for AND/OR/NOT operators?
I'd like to support two sets of operator words, so people can use
either the original english
operators and my custom ones for our local language.

There are two options that I know of: 1) add synonyms during indexing and 2) add synonyms during querying. Generally this would be done using a custom analyzer.

If the synonym mappings are static and you don't mind a larger index,
adding them during indexing avoids the complexity of rewriting the
query.  Injecting synonyms during querying allows the synonym mappings
to change dynamically, though does produce more complex queries.
Here's an example you'll find with the source code distribution of
Lucene in Action which uses WordNet to look up synonyms.


p.s. I'm sensitive to over-marketing Lucene in Action in this forum as
it would bother me to constantly see an advertisement. You can be sure
that any mentions of it from me will coincide with concrete examples
(which are freely available) that are directly related to questions
being asked.

% ant -emacs SynonymAnalyzerViewer Buildfile: build.xml







       Using a custom SynonymAnalyzer, two fixed strings are
       analyzed with the results displayed.  Synonyms, from the
       WordNet database, are injected into the same positions
       as the original words.

       See the "Analysis" chapter for more on synonym injection and
       position increments.  The "Tools and extensions" chapter covers
       the WordNet feature found in the Lucene sandbox.

Press return to continue...

Running lia.analysis.synonym.SynonymAnalyzerViewer...

1: [quick] [warm] [straightaway] [spry] [speedy] [ready] [quickly]
[promptly] [prompt] [nimble] [immediate] [flying] [fast] [agile]
2: [brown] [brownness] [brownish]
3: [fox] [trick] [throw] [slyboots] [fuddle] [fob] [dodger]
[discombobulate] [confuse] [confound] [befuddle] [bedevil]
4: [jumps]
5: [over] [o] [across]
6: [lazy] [faineant] [indolent] [otiose] [slothful]
7: [dogs]

1: [oh]
2: [we]
3: [get] [acquire] [aim] [amaze] [arrest] [arrive] [baffle] [beat]
[become] [beget] [begin] [bewilder] [bring] [can] [capture] [catch]
[cause] [come] [commence] [contract] [convey] [develop] [draw] [drive]
[dumbfound] [engender] [experience] [father] [fetch] [find] [fix]
[flummox] [generate] [go] [gravel] [grow] [have] [incur] [induce] [let]
[make] [may] [mother] [mystify] [nonplus] [obtain] [perplex] [produce]
[puzzle] [receive] [scram] [sire] [start] [stimulate] [stupefy]
[stupify] [suffer] [sustain] [take] [trounce] [undergo]
4: [both]
5: [kinds]
6: [country] [state] [nationality] [nation] [land] [commonwealth] [area]
7: [western] [westerly]
8: [bb]

Total time: 10 seconds

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