Xiaohong Yang (Sharon) wrote:

I agree that Google mini is quite expensive. It might be similar to the desktop version in quality. Anyone knows google's ratio of index to text? Is it true that Lucene's index is about 500 times the original text size (not including image size)? I don't have one installed, so I cannot measure.

500:1 for Lucene? I don't think so.
In my wikipedia search engine the data in the MySQL DB I index from is approx 1.0 GB (sum of lengths of title and body), while the Lucene index of just these 2 fields is 250MB, thus in this case the Lucene index is 25% of the corpus size.


jian chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was searching using google and just found that there was a new
feature called "google mini". Initially I thought it was another free
service for small companies. Then I realized that it costs quite some
money ($4,995) for the hardware and software. (I guess the proprietary
software costs a whole lot more than actual hardware.)

The "nice" feature is that, you can only index up to 50,000 documents
with this price. If you need to index more, sorry, send in the

It seems to me that any small biz will be ripped off if they install
this google mini thing, compared to using Lucene to implement a easy
to use search software, which could search up to whatever number of
documents you could image.

I hope the lucene project could get exposed more to the enterprise so
that people know that they have not only cheaper but more importantly,
BETTER alternatives.


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