Aad Nales writes:
> Steps 2 and 3 have been discussed at length in this forum and have even 
> made it to the sandbox. What I am left with is 1.
> My thinking is processing a series of replacement statements that go like:
> --
> g sounds like ch if the immediate predecessor is an s.
> o sounds like oo if the immediate predecessor is a consonant
> --
> But before I takes this to the next step I am wondering if anybody has 
> created or thought up alternative solutions?
An implementation of a rule based system to create such a pronounciation
form, can be found in a library called makelib that is part of an editor
named leanedit.
Unfortunatley the website seems to be down.
The lib is LGPL. If you're interested, I can send you a copy of the 
sources. The only ruleset available is german though.


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