Jonathan O'Connor wrote:
Are you trying to check the spelling of English words by Dutch children? Then, Phonetix or any of these other solutions may not be perfect.
From my little knowledge of Dutch, a "g" is some sort of velar fricative
(pronounced at the back of throat). And "ch" in english is also a velar fricative.
You have to hope that the soundex/metaphone rules are broad enough to be used by both languages.

Soundex and Metaphone have been specifically designed for English. I know from my experience with Swedish and Polish that their results for other languages can range from mediocre to extremely bad. You should definitely not blindly trust them, but perform careful tests using some test corpus.

For Slavic languages you can use Daitch-Mokotoff instead, but I have no idea about Dutch...

Another suggestion: did you try the solution developed by Dave Spencer (look for NGramSpeller)?

Best regards,
Andrzej Bialecki
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