just retrieve Documents from 567100 to 567200 from Hits class you got while searching.

Stanislav Jordanov wrote:

my private investigation already left me sceptic about the outcome of this
but I've decided to post it as a final resort.
Perhaps the gurus know the right answer :-)

Suppose I have an index of about 5,000,000 docs
and I am running a single term queries against it, including queries which
return say 1,000,000 or even more hits.

The hits are sorted by some column and I am happy with the query execution
time (i.e. the time spent in the IndexSearcher.query(...) method).
Now comes the problem: it is a product requirement that the client is
allowed to quickly access (by scrolling) a random page of the result set.
Put in different words the app must quickly (in less that a second) respond
to requests like: "Give me the results from No 567100 to No 567200"
(remember the results are sorted thus ordered).
I took a look at Lucene's internals which only left me with the suspision
that this is an impossible task.
Would anyone, please, prove my suspision wrong?


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