On Feb 28, 2005, at 10:39 AM, Stanislav Jordanov wrote:
> What did you do in your private investigation?
1. empirical tests with an index of nearly 75,000 docs (I am attaching the test source)

Only certain (.txt?) attachments are allowed to come through on the mailing list.

> Sorted by descending relevance (the default), or in some other way?
In some other way - sorted by some column (asc or desc - doesn't matter)

Using IndexSearcher(query, sort)?

 > If a search is fast enough, as you report, then you can simply start
> your access to Hits at the appropriate spot.  For the current systems
> I'm working on, this is the approach I've used - start iterating hits
> at (pageNumber - 1) * numberOfItemsPerPage.
> Is that approach insufficient?
I'm afraid this is not sufficient;
Either I am doing something wrong,
or it is not that simple:
following is a log from my test session;
It appears that IndexSearcher.search(...) finishes rather fast
compared to the time it takes to fetch the last document from the Hits object.

I assume you are only accessing the documents you wish to display rather than all of them up to where you need. Also keep in mind that accessing a Document is when the document is pulled from the index. If you have a large amount of data in a document it will take a corresponding amount of time to load it. You may need to restructure what you store in a document to reduce the load times. Or perhaps you need to investigate the (is it in the codebase already?) patch to load fields lazily upon demand instead.


The log starts here:


Found 74222 document(s) that matched query 'pa'

Sorting by "sfile_name"

query executed in 16ms

Last doc accessed in 375ms


Found 74222 document(s) that matched query 'us'

Sorting by "sfile_name"

query executed in 31ms

Last doc accessed in 219ms


Found 74222 document(s) that matched query '1'

Sorting by "sfile_name"

query executed in 15ms

Last doc accessed in 235ms


Found 74222 document(s) that matched query '5'

Sorting by "sfile_name"

query executed in 422ms

Last doc accessed in 219ms


Found 72759 document(s) that matched query '6'

Sorting by "sfile_name"

query executed in 344ms

Last doc accessed in 250ms
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