Chris Hostetter wrote:
 1) If making it mutatable requires changes to other classes to propogate
    it, then why is it now an instance variable instead of a static?
    (Presumably making it an instance variable allows subclasses to
    override the value, but if other classes have internal expectations
    of the value, that doesn't seem safe)

Its an instance variable because it can vary from instance-to-instance. This value is specified when an index segment is written, and subsequently read from disk and used when reading that segment. It's an instance variable in both the writing and reading code. The thing that's lacking is a way to pass in alternate values to the writing code.

The reason that other classes are involved is that the reading and writing code are in non-public classes. We don't want to expose the implementation too much by making these public, but would rather expose these as getter/setter methods on the relevant public API.

 2) Should it be configurable through a get/set method, or through a
    system property?
    (which rehashes the instance/global question)

That's indeed the question. My guess is that a system property would be probably be sufficient for most, but perhaps not for all. Similarly with a static setter/getter. But a getter/setter on IndexWriter would make everyone happy.

 3) Is it important that a writer updating an existing index use the same
    value as the writer that initial created the index?  if so should
    there really be a "preferedIndexInterval" variable which is mutatable,
    and a "currentIndexInterval" which is set to the value of the index
    currently being updated.  Such that preferedIndexInterval is used when
    making an index from scratch and currentIndexInterval is used when
    adding segments to a new index?

It's used whenever an index segment is created. Index segments are created when documents are added and when index segments are merged to form larger index segments. Merging happens frequently while indexing. Optimization merges all segments.

The value can vary in each segment.

The default value is probably good for all but folks with very large indexes, who may wish to increase the default somewhat. Also folks with smaller indexes and very high query volumes may wish to decrease the default. It's a classic time/memory tradeoff. Higher values use less memory and make searches a bit slower, smaller values use more memory and make searches a bit faster.

Unless there are objections I will add this as:
Both will be marked "Expert".

Further discussion should move to the lucene-dev list.


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