Ами как да ти кажа...
Аз изцяло подкрепям това, което Александър казва - и вече дадох своя (надявам се - положителен) принос.

Не е въпроса дали са 1, 10 или 100. Важен е самият акт, в който една комерсиална организация дарява своят труд в полза на Свободният Софтуер.

А и без съмнение красотата на който и да е от тези комерсиални шрифтове не може да се сравни с безплатните варианти (а и не толкова безплатни понякога) на шрифтовете, които свободно можем да наточим от нет-а.

Бъди здрав,

Peter An. Zyumbilev wrote:

s risk da blesna sas svoiata nekompetetnost kkavo znachenie imat tia 10
shrifta ?
Ima site-ove s primerno 2000 bezplatni TTF fonta..za kakav diavol triabva da
se balgodari za tia celi 10 shrifta ?
Kogato moga da otida savsme legalno da si savlia 1000 takiva ??????????????

Peter Zyumbilev
Web Developer & Administrator
web: http://www.bivol.net <http://www.bivol.net>
tel.: +359 88 966940

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alexander Shopov
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 9:02 PM
Subject: lug-bg: Pomosht za free fonts ot Bitstream

Ako ne ste nauchili Bitstream shte predostaviat 10
kachestveni shrifta s free licenz na Gnome foundation
(a sledovatelno i na vsichki free proekti - KDE, i
vsichki drugi)
Pres releasa e tuk:
Saobshtenieto e tuk:
Po-dolu prikachvam moia dialog s predstavitelia na
kompaniata Bob Thomas - Director of Product Management
Vseki koito iska da vzeme i da napishe pismo do nego,
v koeto:
1. Da blagodari na kompaniata za vse oshte ochakvania
2. Da kazhe kolko e veliko tova i kak se nadiava
shriftovete da sadarzhat i kirilica i kak tova shte
pomoge na free softuera i osobeno mnogo shte vdigne
ocenkata za Bitstream va kirilskia pazar. Strashna
reklama i t.n.

1. Shto gi daate na Gnome, a ne na KDE, ili neshto
drugo - dadat li gi na Gnome foundation davat gi na
2. Ako ne napraite kirilica niama da va obicham
taka ili inache podarakat e goliam dori i da ne
sadarzha kirilica
3. Ma da ne ni dadete naj-smotanite shriftove -
pone previewto koeto vidiah sa si super shriftovete
4. Shto samo 10. Ako imame dobri zamestiteli na Arial
Times New Roman i Courier New - napravo letim za

Badete uchtivi, dobrozhelatelni i ne postaviaite
ultimatumi - prosto pokazhete kolko mnogo se nuzhdaem
ot hubavi free shriftove i kolko shte sme im
zadalzheni ako gi napraviat.
I ne si mislete che da praish shriftove e lesno - NE

Dear Alexander,

Thank you for your kind words. We think this will give
all users and
developers in the Linux community a font solution
right out of the box. I
hope you soon get a chance to use our Bitstream Vera
font family ! Stay
tuned to GNOME to see which version our fonts will be
released in. I
think they will be in GNOME v2.3.

We at Bitstream are trying to work with the GNOME
Foundation to provide
a small set of WGL4 fonts. WGL4 fonts include Cyrillic
However, this is all in early development right now,
and nothing has been
set in stone. So it would be wrong for me to say, Yes,
we plan to
provide WGL4 character set support, including Cyrillic

Please stay tuned for further developments. Our goal
is to help GNOME
and the open source community as much as possible.

Kind regards,
-Bob Thomas
Bitstream Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Alexander Shopov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thu 1/23/2003 5:34 AM
To: Bob Thomas
Subject: Cyrillic in Free Fonts

Dear Mr. Thomas,
First I would like to thank you for yor wonderful
the free software community - the free fonts you are
I am in no doubt that they will be of the high
your company has provided up till now.
As I am a developer that takes special interest in
making software work for my country - Bulgaria,
I am very interested whether your fonts will include
the glyphs of temporary Cyrillic alphabet. This is
very important not only to me and may rather small
coutrybut to big countries and the numerous users in
Russia too.
I would very much like a second press release stating
included alphabets - Latin, Greek, Cyrillic etc.
Whether they ionclude my aplhabet or not - you still
are making a very big gift.
Thanx a lot.
Best regards:
Alexander Shopov

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