Matjaz Terpin wrote:
> Sem pa zdaj (po toci) in v njem ni
> stikala -f niti cesa podobnega (na prvi pogled). Pa se to:
> pixie:/root> killall named
> pixie:/root> named -f
> Usage: named [-d #] [-q] [-r] [-p port[/localport]] [[-b] bootfile]
> ??

[andrejp@soda ~]$ named --help
named: invalid option -- -
Usage: named [-d #] [-q] [-r] [-f] [-p port] [[-b|-c] configfile]
             [-u (username|uid)] [-g (groupname|gid)]
             [-t directory]

[andrejp@soda ~]$ man named
     NAMED [-d debuglevel] [-p port#] [-(b|c) config_file] [-f -q -r]
           [-w directory] [config_file]
     -f          Run this process in the foreground; don't fork()
                 and daemonize.  (The default is to daemonize.)

[andrejp@soda ~]$ rpm -q bind

Hm. Kak drug bind?


Andrej Presern, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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