Tole sem prej prezrl.

> # These are the parameters. Change as needed.
> TELEPHONE=1797000       # The telephone number for the connection
> ACCOUNT=asraka2         # The account name for logon (as in 'George
> Burns')
> PASSWORD=********       # The password for this account (and 'Gracie
> Allen')
> LOCAL_IP=        # Local IP address if known. Dynamic =
> REMOTE_IP=       # Remote IP address if desired. Normally

ACCOUNT in PASS ne potrebujes pri CHAP/PAP avtentikaciji.

> #!/bin/sh
> #
> # This is part 2 of the ppp-on script. It will perform the connection
> # protocol for the desired connection.
> #
> # exec chat -v
> /usr/sbin/chat -V     \
>  TIMEOUT  3    \
>  ABORT  '\nBUSY\r'   \
>  ABORT  '\nNO ANSWER\r'   \
>  ABORT  '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r' \
>  ''  \rAT    \
>  'OK-+++\c-OK' ATH0    \
>  TIMEOUT  30    \
>  CONNECT  ''    \
>  ogin:--ogin: $ACCOUNT   \
>  assword: $PASSWORD
> V /etc/ppp/CONNECT-ERRORS je tole:
>       /etc/ppp/ppp-on-dialer: TIMEOUT: command not found
>       /etc/ppp/ppp-on-dialer: TIMEOUT: command not found
> predvidevam, da je nekaj narobe z PPPD, ali kako 

PPP javlja, da ne najde skripte ppp-on-dialer. Lahko, da je 
nimas v direktoriju /etc/ppp temvec /etc/ppp/scripts. Lahko
pa, da skripta nima exec permissionov.

Poleg tega ne potrebujes vrstic za login in password, ker se logiras
skozi ppp oz. PAP/CHAP. Izbrisi ju ali pa ju zakomentiraj.
Ce modem noce klicat, dodaj k ATH0 se ATX3.

in seveda spremljaj dogajanje s "tail -f /var/log/messages"



Одговори путем е-поште