some thoughts of different distros ....

I happen to be a proud RH 6.0 user ( after more than 5 years of linux ), and
really the single distro that made me the least problems is RH (this sounds

so, after those 5 years this is what I think of the 3 most popular distros :

Slackware :

one of the most complete distros made for all those freaks which like to
tweak and tweak and tweak ...
out of the box is mostly configured(NOT), and you can expect more than 3
hours editing various scripts.
after that you get a very good and stable machine to work with.
biggest pain is installing new software (no rpm -I :)))) )


usually very well configured out of the box, and you get tons of useful
stuff (gnome, gnome, gnome, gnome, gnome ... )
installation is VERY user friendly especially for newbies which really wont
have a hard time with setting up X, modem, mouse, printer, sound, etc, etc,
etc ...

Debian :
I never bothered to lead dpkg, but after installation of 2.1 I was really
overwhelmed by my netTamagochi server ....
installation of 2.1 is VERY slow, and somewhat confusing.

others :

well, never used them :))))))

for all you flamers out there, don't get this wrong, I really like RH, I use
RH, I program for RH, and even have some friends in RHAD labs, but I don't
intend to say that other distros are bad, or (god forsake) that RH is the
best there is.
just, if you want to have out of the box browse then net in less than 45
minutes get yourself RH :))))

(this may sound a bit like the iMAC vs Wintell competition where a b.sci was
assembling Wintel and a kid with a dog was assembling iMAC :))))))))

or whatever


to DoS or not to DoS ?

hnja hnja

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