On Jun 02, 2008  10:05 -0700, Kilian CAVALOTTI wrote:
> On Monday 02 June 2008 08:35:35 am Charles Taylor wrote:
> > Unfortunately, getting the messages off the console (in the machine
> > room) means using a pencil and paper (you'd think we have something
> > as fancy as a ip-kvm console server, but alas, we do things, ahem,
> > "inexpensively" here.   
> There are a couple solutions to help you there:
> * using a serial console connected to a remote machine (costs a serial 
>   cable and some configuration).

One very practical and low-cost mechanism is to cross-cable the serial
console from one machine to its neighbour.  Most server-class machines
have 2 serial consoles, so you can have an inbound port for the console
of the neighbour, and an outbound port configured to be the serial
console of that machine.

> * and maybe the easiest, most inexpensive (no hardware involved) and 
>   most convenient one: using netdump [1]. You configure a netdump client 
>   on the machine you want to gather logs and traces from, and a 
>   netdump-server on an other host, to receive those messages. This 
>   solution proved to be really efficient in gathering Lustre's debug 
>   logs and crash dumps.
> [1] http://www.redhat.com/support/wpapers/redhat/netdump/
> and http://docs.freevps.com/doku.php?id=how-to:netdump

Yes, LLNL has been using netdump to good effect.  It works with the
"normal" crashdump utilities like "crash" (modified gdb).  It isn't
in all kernels, however.

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger
Sr. Staff Engineer, Lustre Group
Sun Microsystems of Canada, Inc.

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