
I am using Lustre 2.6.18-53.1.13.el5_lustre. kernel on a
CentOS 5 linux x86_64 linux box.
We had a hardware problem that caused the underlying ext3 partition
table to completely blow up.  This is resulting in only three of five
OSTs being mountable.   The main lustre disk of this unit cannot be
mounted because the MDS knows that two of its parts are missing.
The underlying set-up is JBOD hw that is passed to the linux OS, via
an LSI 8888ELP card in this case, as a simple device, ie. sde,
sdf,...    The simple devices were partitioned using parted and
formatted ext3 then lustre was built on top of the five ext3 units.
There was no striping done across units/JBODS.   Three of the five
units passed an e2fsck and an lfsck.  Those remaining units are
mounted as such:
/dev/sdc               13T  6.3T  5.7T  53% /srv/lustre/OST/crew4-
/dev/sdd               13T  6.3T  5.7T  53% /srv/lustre/OST/crew4-
/dev/sdf               13T  6.2T  5.8T  52% /srv/lustre/OST/crew4-

Being that it is unlikely that we shall be able to recover the
underlying ext3 on the other two units, is there some method by which
I might try to rescue the data from these last three units mounted
currently on the OSS?

Any and all suggestion genuinely appreciated.


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