Thank you Andreas!

Your information is wonderful.  I did the following:

I logged into my MDS (same as MGS) and issued the commands--

shell-prompt> mount -t lustre /dev/md1 /srv/lustre/mds/crew4-MDT0000

No errors so far.

shell-prompt> lctl
   dl                                (Found my nids of failed JBODs)
   device 14

   device 16


On one of our servers, I mounted the lustre disk /crew4.
The disk will hang a UNIX df or ls command.

lfs find --ost crew4-OST0001_UUID --ost crew4-OST0003_UUID --ost crew4-
OST0004_UUID -print /crew4

Did indeed provide a list of files.   I saved the list to a text
file.   I will next see if I am able to copy a single file to a new

Thank you again Andreas for this incredibly useful information.   Do
you/Sun do paid Lustre consulting by any chance?


On Jun 18, 12:48 am, Andreas Dilger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2008  15:37 -0700, megan wrote:
> > I am using Lustre 2.6.18-53.1.13.el5_lustre. kernel on a
> > CentOS 5 linux x86_64 linux box.
> > We had a hardware problem that caused the underlying ext3 partition
> > table to completely blow up.  This is resulting in only three of five
> > OSTs being mountable.   The main lustre disk of this unit cannot be
> > mounted because the MDS knows that two of its parts are missing.
> It should be possible to mount a Lustre filesystem with OSTs that
> are not available.  However, access to files on the unavailable
> OSTs will cause the process to wait on OST recovery.
> > The underlying set-up is JBOD hw that is passed to the linux OS, via
> > an LSI 8888ELP card in this case, as a simple device, ie. sde,
> > sdf,...    The simple devices were partitioned using parted and
> > formatted ext3 then lustre was built on top of the five ext3 units.
> > There was no striping done across units/JBODS.   Three of the five
> > units passed an e2fsck and an lfsck.  Those remaining units are
> > mounted as such:
> > /dev/sdc               13T  6.3T  5.7T  53% /srv/lustre/OST/crew4-
> > OST0003
> > /dev/sdd               13T  6.3T  5.7T  53% /srv/lustre/OST/crew4-
> > OST0004
> > /dev/sdf               13T  6.2T  5.8T  52% /srv/lustre/OST/crew4-
> > OST0001
> > Being that it is unlikely that we shall be able to recover the
> > underlying ext3 on the other two units, is there some method by which
> > I might try to rescue the data from these last three units mounted
> > currently on the OSS?
> > Any and all suggestion genuinely appreciated.
> The recoverability of your data depends heavily on the striping of
> the individual files (i.e. the default striping).  If your files have
> a default stripe_count = 1, then you can probably recover 3/5 of the
> files in the filesystem.  If your default stripe_count = 2, then you
> can probably only recover 1/5 of the files, and if you have a higher
> stripe_count you probably can't recover any files.
> What you need to do is to mount one of the clients and mark the
> corresponding OSTs inactive with:
>         lctl dl    # get device numbers for OSC 0000 and OSC 0002
>         lctl --device N deactivate
> Then, instead of the clients waiting for the OSTs to recover the
> client will get an IO error when it accesses files on the failed OSTs.
> To get a list of the files that are on the good OSTs run:
>         lfs find --ost crew4-OST0001_UUID --ost crew4-OST0003_UUID
>                  --ost crew4-OST0004_UUID {mountpoint}
> Cheers, Andreas
> --
> Andreas Dilger
> Sr. Staff Engineer, Lustre Group
> Sun Microsystems of Canada, Inc.
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