On Thu, 2008-08-21 at 16:40 +0200, Erich Focht wrote:
> A more general comment: what is the use of invisible bugs, anyway?

You have to remember that we have customers who have sensitive data.
Sometimes they need to share this data with us and yet not have it
publicly consumable.

> I
> suppose the bug has been set "private" by the reporter.


> Wouldn't it
> actually make sense to have all bugs open, such that others are warned
> of the issue?

Ideally, yes, of course.  But given that there are users that are going
to have sensitive data, providing a means for them to share that with us
in order to help identify and fix a bug is a better choice than having
them refrain from reporting the bug because they have no way to provide
the data we need to debug it.  Wouldn't you agree?

> Guess if somebody doesn't want to disclose the company
> on behalf of which the bug was reported, a mechanism for anonymizing the
> reporter would make more sense.

Company may be one thing they want to remain secret, but more likely
it's the actual data they don't want publicly viewable -- the data
without which we can't fix the bug.  Not all data can simply be

> Anyway, I feel like hiding bugs is bad
> in an open source project.

As I said, yes, it is not ideal, but is a better situation than just not
having bugs reported.

In your particular case, when you reported your bug, work was already
under way solving the problem in the private bug.  Ultimately that is
good news for you as it will ultimately reduce the time until you will
see a fix from what it would have been would that bug reporter have not
bothered reporting it due to not being able to provide the information
needed for us to debug it.


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