Cheers Andreas. I had actually found that, but there doesn't seem to be 
that much documentation about it. Or I didn't find it :) Plus it 
appeared to find the users that were problematic whenever I tried it, so 
I wondered if that is all there is, or if there's some other mechanism I 
could test for.


On 23/09/10 22:25, Andreas Dilger wrote:
> On 2010-09-23, at 08:03, Tina Friedrich wrote:
>> Still - could someone point me to the bit in the documentation that best
>> describes how the MDS queries that sort of information (group/passwd
>> info, I mean)? Or how to best test that it's mechanisms are working? For
>> example, in this case, I always thought one would only hit the size
>> limit if doing a bulk 'transfer' of data, not doing a lookup on one user
>> - plus I could do these sort lookups fine on all machines involved
>> (against all ldap servers).
> You can run "l_getgroups -d {uid}" (the utility that the MDS uses to query 
> the groups database/LDAP) from the command-line.
> Cheers, Andreas
> --
> Andreas Dilger
> Lustre Technical Lead
> Oracle Corporation Canada Inc.

Tina Friedrich, Computer Systems Administrator, Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus - 01235 77 8442

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