
On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 09:18:15AM +0100, Tina Friedrich wrote:
> Cheers Andreas. I had actually found that, but there doesn't seem to be 
> that much documentation about it. Or I didn't find it :) Plus it 
> appeared to find the users that were problematic whenever I tried it, so 
> I wondered if that is all there is, or if there's some other mechanism I 
> could test for.

Mind that access to cached files is no longer authorized by the MDS, but by the
client itself. I wouldn't call it documentation, but
http://wiki.lustre.org/images/b/ba/Tuesday_lustre_automotive.pdf has an
illustration of why this is a problem when nameservices become out of sync
between MDS and Lustre clients (slides 23/24). Sounds like you hit a very
similar issue.


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