On 12/7/10 4:35 AM, Mark Nelson wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> Several years ago there was a thread discussing some of the problems
> with Lustre Quotas and what kinds of things might be done to move
> forward.  I was wondering if/how things have improved since then?  Any
> one have any thoughts/experiences they would be willing to share?
> Here's the thread from 2008:
> http://lists.lustre.org/pipermail/lustre-devel/2008-May/002451.html
As I known, the progress is as following:

* Changes required to quotas because of architecture changes *
#1: Supporting quotas on HEAD (no CMD)
It has been done and released in lustre-2.0.

#2: Supporting quotas with CMD
Some design only, not implement yet.

#3: Supporting quotas with DMU
Seems in processing.

* Shortcomings of the current quota implementation *
Unfortunately, these known quota issues on lustre are not overcame yet.

> Thanks,
> Mark

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