On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 9:53 PM, Colin Faber <cfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think in general this is a good idea.  As discussed at the OpenSFS board
> meeting yesterday, it would be really nice for organizations which are
> building custom releases themselves to provide this patch list as a wiki
> page on the lustre.org wiki (http://wiki.lustre.org).
> This would probably be a good first step, maybe format in such as way to
> include a brief description of the patch and the problem it's solving for
> that site.
> I'm planning on doing this for my Org's release as well, so it's extremely
> clear to anyone glancing at the site what we're doing and why we're doing
> it.
> -cf
> On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Scott Nolin <scott.no...@ssec.wisc.edu>
> wrote:
>> Since Intel will not be making community releases for 2.5.4 or 2.x.0
>> releases now, it seems the community will need to maintain some sort of
>> patch list against these releases.  Especially stability, data corruption,
>> and security patches.
Where/when was this announced?
>> I think this is important so if people are trying a Lustre community
>> release they need to be aware of any bugs that might exist, and if they're
>> addressed. If things are unstable, lustre will (re)gain a negative
>> reputation as a file system you should not trust with real data.
>> I don't have any answers here, but would like to start a wider
>> conversation.
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
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