On 4/16/2015 4:24 PM, Michael Kluge wrote:
On Wed, Apr 15, 2015 at 11:44 AM, Scott Nolin <scott.no...@ssec.wisc.edu>

Since Intel will not be making community releases for 2.5.4 or 2.x.0
releases now, it seems the community will need to maintain some sort of
patch list against these releases.

I don't think this is how I understood it a LUG. What took with me:
Intel will make 2.x.0 releases every 6 month including fixes. New
releases may or may have not new features. But there will be a regular
release cycle.

That is how I understood it too, regular releases will now be all at .0 only, no such thing as a maintenance branch with point releases.

My sentence wasn't properly clear - intel won't be making any community maintenance point type releases, just X.x.0.

So some people have been thinking a maintenance release will come out, 2.5.4 - it will not as I understand it. The intel presentation also mentioned it's out for customers, so it's done but only for customers.

So, if you want to keep running 2.5 or any other branch, or want to test something and see if it's stable, it makes sense to have patch lists. And some kind of central resource for that as Colin Faber mentioned.


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