Dear all,

I know it's dared to ask for help for such an old system.

We still run a CentOS 6 based Lustre 2.8.0 system

It's out of warrenty and about to be replaced. The approval process for
the new grant took over a year and we're currently preparing an EU wide
tender, all of that takes and took much more time than we expected.

The problem is:

one OSS server is always running into a kernel panic. It seems that this
kernel panic is related to one of the OSS mount points. If we mount the
LUNs of that server (all data is on a 3par SAN) to a different server,
this one is panic'ing, too.

We always run file system checks after such a panic but these show only
minor issues that you would expect after a crashed machine like

[QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID 2901:actual (757747712, 217)
!= expected (664182784, 215)

We would love to avoid an upgrade to CentOS 7 with these old machines,
but these crashes happen really often meanwhile and yesterday it
panic'ed after only 30mins.

Now we're running out of ideas.

If anyone has an idea how we could identify the source of the problem,
we would really appreciate it.

Kind regards


Dr. Torsten Harenberg
Bergische Universitaet
Fakultät 4 - Physik       Tel.: +49 (0)202 439-3521
Gaussstr. 20              Fax : +49 (0)202 439-2811
42097 Wuppertal

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