On Mar 5, 2020, at 09:11, Mohr Jr, Richard Frank 
<rm...@utk.edu<mailto:rm...@utk.edu>> wrote:

On Mar 5, 2020, at 2:48 AM, Torsten Harenberg 

[QUOTA WARNING] Usage inconsistent for ID 2901:actual (757747712, 217)
!= expected (664182784, 215)

I assume you are running ldiskfs as the backend?  If so, have you tried 
regenerating the quota info for the OST?  I believe the command is “tune2fs -O 
^quota <ost_block_device>” to clear quotas and then “tune2fs -O quota 
<ost_block_device>” to reenable/regenerate them.  I don’t know if that would 
work, but it might be worth a shot.

Just to clarify, the "tune2fs -O ^quota; tune2fs -O quota" trick is not really 
the best way to do this, even though this is widely circulated.

It would be better to run a full e2fsck, since that not only rebuilds the quota 
tables, but also ensures that the values going into the quota tables are 
correct.  Since the time taken by "tune2fs -O quota" is almost the same as 
running e2fsck, it is better to do it the right way.

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger
Principal Lustre Architect

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