----- Original Message ----- 
From: Craig Hartley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 04 November 2003 09:27
Subject: CDs

> I have recently joined this list after falling in love with Weiss through 
> attending a recital by Nigel North and then buying Robert Barto's Naxos 
> series. At the moment I play only the Renaissance lute, but I have plans...
> I would be grateful if members of this list could recommend recordings of 
> earlier Baroque lute music, as I want to get familiar with the French 
> 17th-century repertoire etc before deciding which route to take.
> thanks in anticipation
> Craig
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Dear Craig,

Try Cathy Liddell's CD "La belle voilée" on Centaur CRC 2359 (1997).  It's mostly 
Gallot, but an excellent introduction to this style of music.

Best wishes,


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