Vieux (Ennemond) Gaultier  has his works scattered in various sources.  The 
most commonly known ones are the pieces from Minkoff, and The Perrine MS as 
well.  For some of the lovely settings on Hoppy's CD, I have found the A 
Major pieces in the Robards lute book.

Of all the 11 course French CD's, I agree, that Hopkinson Smith's old Vieux 
Gaultier is the best.  Schaffer's is also wonderful.  There is an old LP on 
(I think) Telefunken, of Toyohiko Satoh, with a 2-record set of French 
music, and this ranks up among the very, very best.  Too bad it is not 
re-issued on CD.  But, Toyohiko has another excellent French CD on Channel 
Classics, on an old 1613 lute by Laurentius Greiff.  It is also very, very 

Let us not forget Stephen Stubbs doing Jacques Saont Luc.


At 09:26 PM 11/4/03 +0100, Gernot Hilger wrote:
>Dear list,
> > Hopkinson Smith: Vieux Gaultier, Piéces de luth (appeared in 1988,
> > reissued in 2000. Astrée)
> > This is my absolute favourite.
>Same for me. Glorious music.
>Please excuse an ignorant question, could somebody point me towards a
>source for the score for these Ennemond Gaultier pieces?

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