Hi Ed,

  I'm a lutenist/guitarist living in Cambria, California.  My wife has worked 
with elephants for years, so I asked her about the culling of herds and legal 
status of ivory, etc.  She says they tried to legalize it to discourage the 
poachers, but that it hadn't seemed to stop the poaching; and it was still hard 
to ascertain if any ivory you were getting was really legal or not.  At the 
moment there is no legal ivory trade.  Culling the herds is a polite way to 
describe murder (no, I'm not one of those PETA people); the elephants are shot 
indiscriminately, usually from a helicopter, when the herd starts to encroach 
and endanger villages, or to 'thin' the herd.  My wife worked with two elephants 
whose parents were killed in a culling.  So anyway, this 'culling' is not 
some benign process.  Fortunately, judging from the replies to your questions, 
ivory doesn't seem to be a very desirable tone material.  What is mammoth ivory? 
 I talked to a scrimshaw artist once who said it came from fisherman's nets?  
For those luthiers or players thinking about using ivory, I would suggest 
typing in ivory trade on your internet search engine; you'll find links to the 
CITES organization, and other news updates about what's going on in the African 
and Asian ivory business.

                                    James Edwards


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