Greetings to all,
    It seems that there are allot of good sources for viewing historical =
lutes and players in paintings etc,  Especially David Van Edwards site. =
However, this has just seemed to wet my appetite for the real thing.  =
While it's possible to find historical photos scattered here and there,  =
there doesn't seem to be a place to view these lutes in one place.
   Therefore, I have created a place on my new website just for this =
very thing! =20
  Kenneth Be was kind enough to send photos of his recent visit to Yale, =
and today David Van Edwards sent photos of that glorious and evasive =
Leoplold Widhalm, which I posted ( the king of all Baroque lutes in my =
humble opining)  that he personally measured and photographed.  What a =
find! =20
    If anyone out there has some good photos of historical lutes they =
would like to contribute,  please send them and I will post them.  =
Hopefully this can grow into something interesting.=20
  Sorry for all the guitar stuff, just go to historical Museum photos.
   Happy holidays,
Michael Thames
(P.S. -- my wife designed the site!)

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