In a message dated 11/26/03 3:40:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I've recently acquired the S.P.E.S. edition of Zamboni.  There's one 
tab. symbol I don't understand.  Perhaps one of you archlute players 
can help me out.  If you have this edition, the Mystery Symbol is on 
the first page of Sonata 1.  On the last line, second to last bar, 
there is what looks like either ".S." or ".5." .  It's also in the last 
bar of the line above that.   I've noticed that same symbol, either 
".S." or ".5.", on one or two other pages (e.g. page 28), but I can't 
figure out what it means.  Anybody got any ideas? >>

It indicates a "petit reprise," meaning to play the last few measures one 
additional time after you have played  the section throught the second time.


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