Interesting Jason, definitively a few good points to pay attention to.

> Dear all,
>    This whole copyright issue really miffs me; the idea is to PROMOTE the
> music, not to make a profit from it. I must be on a totally different
> wavelength. Doesn't anyone have the end goal of just popularizing ( making
> more people aware of ) this music without making some sort of petty profit
> from it? I'm not referring only to the publishers, but the libraries which
> hold the manuscripts, etc.
> It's no wonder why there isn't any demand for early music (and don't tell
> there is - when was the last time an early music CD went platinum?How
> a video? Sold out arena?) unless they are already interested in it or
> (by chance, as I did) to hear it from a guitar transcription.
> SPREAD the music, folks, that's the bottom line - play it, teach it,
> disseminate it, listen to it and encourage others to do so as well. I
> entertain (for FREE) any party, wedding, occasion or otherwise and NO ONE
> has EVER asked me about some obscure manuscript #3545476 from the
> library. The only people who care about the trifling details are musicians
> and scholars - and they are in short supply. I have probably turned a
> dozen electric guitarists onto lute music and it is a very satisfying
> experience. You can argue about all the details later, when there is
> actually a market for this stuff. Without a market (listening public),this
> music will die, just as the composers of it did a few hundred years ago.
> Jason
> P.S. You may freely distribute copies of this e-mail, free of charge.

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