> times ago, much before the Great New Schism, there was some talk about
> RT's sometimes very advanced use of the English words in some of his
> postings. I asked for help, because sometimes I could not even understand
> the message. Well, anyhow, someone commented that his language reminds in
> a way the old Indian upper class use of the English, perhaps a little old
> fashioned and "upwards" way of speaking (writing).  Just by accident I
> happened to listen the BBC TV-news today, and they happened to interview a
> high-position Indian official. And really! He was just using some of the
> very same words I previously had only heard (=read) in Roman's Lute List
> postings!
> So, no critics to Roman, just admiring his ability in using words that I
> have to check from the dictionary. That really is  a clever way of
> teaching us the English words! But perhaps a little less useful a way of
> sending (possible?) messages... ;-)
> Happy playing! (Also to you, dear Roman... :-)
> Arto
Thanks, Arto. I have a colleague (coincidently aware of lute) whose words I
regularly have to look up in the dictionary. He taught at a college
somewhere once, but left after some students complained that his vocabulary
was too challenging, and he wasn't interested in compromising beauty.

Roman M. Turovsky


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