
I share your difficulty, although I confess that I often contribute to it
when it is late and I've a bit of beer in me. Some time ago I suggested to
Wayne (Wayne please note) that he set the list to have a prefix of
(Lutelist) to the subject line by the listserv. He said he had suggested it,
but the members of the list had not liked the idea (Wayne, if I misquote you
please correct me, I'm operating on my fading memory).

It is probable that some on this list, and probably including the most
prolific, have little other email. But others may have a lot of legitimate
email coming in. I belong to the Harp List (which adds that parenthetical to
the subject line), and am a central point for my college class (Princeton,
'57 - and there are 600 of us still alive out of 750, with about 400
active). I can route the Harplist to a special folder, and I route anything
with "lute" in the "From" to another special folder, but that latter doesn't
capture all. So if Wayne agrees to ask you again, would you all consider his
having the listserv add the parenthetical so that those of us who have a
rather large "inbox" can sort the messages so as to look at them according
to the source.

Thomas, this wouldn't solve your question of adding an "OT' to the subject
line, but nothing will do that as the participants in those discussions
don't consider them to be Off Topic. And I don't blame them for that, each
of us has our own reason for being on the list, and none is better than
others. But I'd really like to go through the 2 to 300 messages in my
"inbox" each night without having to select those on the lute to look at
later, and those on the lute to delete immediately. If the listserv can
insert a parenthetical on the Subject line it would make it easier (and I
think it can, but Wayne needs the agreement of the list - if my memory is

Best, Jon

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