Dear Thomas,

I'm very sorry about what you wrote and that the German lute 
society lost an active member. However, I cannot see any 
personal attack in the mail you quoted. I don't know either if 
it is good to post such personal things to the list. Personal 
feuds in public are always a bit awkward IMHO.

All the best for the new year to both of you,


Am 31 Dec 2003 um 0:47 hat Thomas Schall geschrieben:

> Hi,
> I wonder about the frustration, anger and hatred which I can detect in
> this mail. Interesting to read such things from a pastor. 
> Nobody doubts the bible nor is it guesswork what this musicologist
> wrote. Maybe her theories should be taken "cum grano salis" and I've
> learnt that most of it is already known but why this heavy reaction?
> I have detected much hatred against my person from Mathias (for
> example in email exchanges within the german lute society which I left
> after some hatred filled by esp. Mathias) but I wonder why (I never
> did *him* any harm) - and why he reacts on a simple forwarded message
> in such a unbelievable heavy way - i Suspect it's just  because it's
> from me.
> Regards
> Thomas
> P.S.: Actually I just got Mathias's mail cleaning my trashbin (usually
> all mails by mathias are directly send to the trash bin) and am very
> curious what could be the fate behind becoming such a person. 
> Am Die, 2003-12-30 um 19.49 schrieb "Mathias Rösel":
> > "Thomas Schall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> > >,1872,2084833,00.html
> > > 
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > founding a new institute in order to spread
> > Jesus-wasn't-killed-he-lived-in-Cashmere-kind theories -- that's
> > what they call revisionism, isn't it. I'm curious if and how
> > _serious_ researchers will answer. But in general, I think no answer
> > is needed because Mrs Yavuz' theses are pure guesswork.
> -- 
> Thomas Schall
> Niederhofheimer Weg 3 
> D-65843 Sulzbach
> 06196/74519
> /
> --

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