Dear Stephan and list:

Unfortunately, some people take any disagreement with
their point of view as a personal attack and react
"vigorously" to that.

I just joined this list a few days ago, but I've been
on several music lists in the past, and the same
things happen.  We musicians often have strong
personalities and those sometimes clash when there is
a difference of opinion..........

I can see very plainly a reason why someone might be
offended by this discussion of the origins of
Gregorian chant.  Being part of a religious tradition
and having long-held beliefs challenged is very
difficult for many people.

However, I would like to point out that any research
into topics relating to early music and its connection
with religion is always worthwhile, even if it
challenges people.  The point of this research is
ultimately the truth that so many people search for in
their faith.

Getting back on topic of the lute, I wanted to share
with you lutenists some very interesting experiences
about the use of the 'oud that I learned in Yemen
while I lived there.

The 'oud and the few people that play it in Yemen seem
to be very highly prized.  The instrument is used
often in Yemeni traditional music, and is one of the
few instruments ever utilized to accompany traditional

Upper class weddings usually feature a singer, and
this is often times accompanied by a drummer and an
'oud player.  

There is other music, particularly in northern Yemen,
which is just for 'oud and drum at these gatherings
(which are all male; Yemeni weddings have a separate
wedding party for the bride and groom with the guests
often numbering in the hundreds).  Very interesting

The music is less melodic than it is percussive.  The
'oud players show some real virtuosity in these
pieces.  I was never to find recordings, but I also
found myself wandering in and out of conversations
while really trying to get a grasp on this music.  The
rhythms are very complicated and I can only imagine
that these pieces are rather difficult  for the 'oud
player as well.  I believe much of it to be
improvisational in nature.

So, if you are ever in Yemen, and invited to a
wedding, make sure you go because you may hear some
very interesting music being played on the 'oud.
Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to really talk
with the musicians (they often move from wedding to
wedding on the same day)and examine their instruments
or how it is notated.  My social obligations at these
functions just didn't allow enough time for that.  

Just thought that I'd add that interesting bit of
ethnomusicology to the discussion.

Titan Rodick
Seattle, WA

--- Stephan Olbertz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Thomas,
> I'm very sorry about what you wrote and that the
> German lute 
> society lost an active member. However, I cannot see
> any 
> personal attack in the mail you quoted. I don't know
> either if 
> it is good to post such personal things to the list.
> Personal 
> feuds in public are always a bit awkward IMHO.
> All the best for the new year to both of you,
> Stephan
> Am 31 Dec 2003 um 0:47 hat Thomas Schall
> geschrieben:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I wonder about the frustration, anger and hatred
> which I can detect in
> > this mail. Interesting to read such things from a
> pastor. 
> > 
> > Nobody doubts the bible nor is it guesswork what
> this musicologist
> > wrote. Maybe her theories should be taken "cum
> grano salis" and I've
> > learnt that most of it is already known but why
> this heavy reaction?
> > 
> > I have detected much hatred against my person from
> Mathias (for
> > example in email exchanges within the german lute
> society which I left
> > after some hatred filled by esp. Mathias) but I
> wonder why (I never
> > did *him* any harm) - and why he reacts on a
> simple forwarded message
> > in such a unbelievable heavy way - i Suspect it's
> just  because it's
> > from me.
> > 
> > Regards
> > Thomas
> > 
> > P.S.: Actually I just got Mathias's mail cleaning
> my trashbin (usually
> > all mails by mathias are directly send to the
> trash bin) and am very
> > curious what could be the fate behind becoming
> such a person. 
> > 
> > Am Die, 2003-12-30 um 19.49 schrieb "Mathias
> Rösel":
> > 
> > > "Thomas Schall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> schrieb:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > founding a new institute in order to spread
> > > Jesus-wasn't-killed-he-lived-in-Cashmere-kind
> theories -- that's
> > > what they call revisionism, isn't it. I'm
> curious if and how
> > > _serious_ researchers will answer. But in
> general, I think no answer
> > > is needed because Mrs Yavuz' theses are pure
> guesswork.
> > 
> > -- 
> > Thomas Schall
> > Niederhofheimer Weg 3       
> > D-65843 Sulzbach
> > 06196/74519
> > /
> > 
> > --
> > 

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