In a message dated 2/27/04 6:41:33 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> By the way Jessie has published a fascinating book _Composers at Work: The
> Craft of Musical Composition, 1450-1600_ (OUP, 1997). It includes some
> remarks about how the lute was sometimes used as a means for composing. 
> That is, Palestrina may have composed "at the lute," and he even previewed
> the mass for a patron by playing it on the lute.  She also tracked down
> some pieces if lute music that may be compositional sketches.  There is not
> too much material like that because it is thought composers first wrote a
> piece oin a wax slate, and then when the composition was complete, ink it
> into a manuscript (or intabulate it?).

At the LSA LuteFest in Cleveland this coming June, the Venere Lute Quartet 
will perform a program of their arrangements of Palestrina for lutes.

Kenneth Be


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