On Tuesday, Mar 23, 2004, at 14:40 Europe/Warsaw, Roman Turovsky wrote:
> IMO: Baroque Lute is ill-suited to any group endeavor, excepted 
> accompanying
> a single voice singing maximum at mezza voce. It is destined to be a 
> instrument, like clavichord, as I said elsewhere.

What is private and what is public in terms of 18th C. and 21st C. --? 
Very complicated matter, indeed. Where would you then situate a CD 
recording as a musical ''performance''. All parameters has changed 
since 1700/1800 so phonography could perhaps be considered as a modern 
equivalent to the pre-romantic chamber performances???

> Existence of fine chamber music with Baroque Lute does not disprove 
> this,
> for it makes for a painful listening experience. Instruments smother 
> the
> lute, making audible only wrong/sour notes, or rhythmic mistakes.

.. or performers are still not that good as Reusner, Weiss and Hagen
.. or modern ''baroque'' string players are unable for the true 
compromise (but they are always happy for a compromise in the oposite 
direction). In fact a lute faces a similar problem as the baroque 
traverso flute... IMO

> Anyway such chamber music is not for public either, it is still 
> possible to
> hear a lute in a trio facing each other in a small room, but the 
> audience
> won't hear a thing except the mistakes.

It's hard to believe for me, considering more then 20 lute duets, over 
150 trios with liuto obligato, and some 50 concerti which were 
advertise by the J.G.I.Breitkopf firm in their 1760, 1761, and 1770 

Moreover, several 17th and 18th C. generations of lutenists were 
playing BC on the d-minor tuning, for what there is a documentation -- 
no place here to cite... Kropfgans was one of the latest, who was 
especialy priced for that job in oratorios (!) and Hiller operettas in 
Leipzig in 1760's.

I'm convinced the world was definitely softer in those days.

- - - - - - - -
Beside, Roman, would you please chack with your SPs -- @verizon.net>, 
@att.net> and @polyhymnion.org>, why they block ALL messages from 
@wp.pl. Please, do not give me another try, just ask THEM.


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