once pretended to be a cyborg.
Wouldn't sign his name
on his limericks lame,
and slowly became a THEORBORG.


once pretended to be a cyborg.
Wouldn't sign his name
on his limericks lame,
and tuned to mean-tone with his Korg.

> Roman thought of himself as a dean
> liked too much to be heard and be seen
> it went terribly wrong
> he lost track of the song
> and now he's just caustic and mean
> A lutenetter we know as Roman
> who thought of himself as a showman
> would take any last chance
> to make ev'ryone dance
> after his pipe, but *shit* it was no man!
> If on this list you're posting a thread
> you don't have to be clear or well-read
> but if Michael dislikes you
> he will hit, bash and kick too
> and then finish with calling you monkey
> If there is such a thing you call terror
> on the lutenet be sure it's no error
> either Roman or Jon
> will go on, on and on
> while the rest watch in dismay and horror
> What's the right way to write to a list
> purr like kittens or brandish your fist?
> Man, haven't got a clue
> just wish to talk to you
> aren't we all wand'ring lost in the mist?
> --
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