> jon - i'll bow to your superior knowledge of american history and the
> sequence of it.  i mentioned convicts because i seem to remember that
> georgia was populated by convicts at one time (don't know why but
> ogilvey comes to mind).
Not only Georgia. At least 2 Defoe novels deal extensively with
"transportation". How else could we explain that the greatest country on
Earth is the only one to have believers in UFOs, flat earth, crystal power

> i do know that the word renegade come from indentured servants that
> bolted and "ran a gate"

> and that an often used expletive comes from the
> importation of manure into the new world with a proviso to "Ship High
> In Transit" to avoid a build up of explosive methane in the nether
> regions of the ship's holds.
These explications remind me of the etymology of "orgy" as described in
Twain's "Huck. Finn"........................

> i don't think my baroque brothers are much taken with the idea of
> country music.  i suspect that their foppish fore bearers felt
> precisely the same.
Some "country" musics can be a good deal more highbrow than "city" music,
and that what I am mining lutenistically, in the Torban pages.
Roman M. Turovsky

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