In a message dated 4/12/2004 8:01:31 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
I definitely favor the sound of gut over synthetics on instruments intended 
for gut.  To play devil's advocate for just a moment, however, there are 
some notables who sing Nylgut's praises.  Paul O'Dette favors gut in the 
studio or when performing in stable climes, but tours with Nylgut and 
loudly celebrates the virtue of its pitch not responding to humidity.  I 
tend to favor Nylgut over stock nylon, but again, I favor the sound of gut 
over either.
  I agree, gut is the best sound overall; but depending on who made the 
instrument and who is playing it, nylgut can sound quite good.  I think the better 
the quality of the instrument, the better it can sound with nylon, nylgut, 
carbon, etc. 




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