Hello, may I do some suggestions about nylgut?
Here the first, usefull to stabilize nylgut immediately: stretch generously
by hands each nylgut strings in the midele of the length of bone to bridge
during the tuning and stop this operation only when they have'nt any more
displacement and stay in tune. By this operation, made with attention on the
top string only, nylgut stay in tune quite immediately.
Second: it is true that nylgut have the same gut density but they have a
greater displacement than gut. So if you have a gut of .44 mm gauge do not
replace with a .44 nylgut but with a .46  gauge.
About the colour: yes, the white colour is strange but came out from the
treatment that I make on the material in the production phase. I have made
some tests to switch the colour to gut-yellow but the result was much more
crazy than.
About the tuning stability: after tuning and stabilization nylgut stay in
tune pretty well than gut; due to the fact that water absorbition is less
than 0.1% against 1% of Tynex-nylon and 20% of gut.
It is strange that nylgut came out like harder than gut. Normally complains
are viceversa.
Aquila V type are called 'Venice' strings: they are similar to the NRI
catlines but with a rectified smooth surface.
Gamut (Dan...) are called Pystois strings. I suppose thay are made like my


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