Dear Danierl,

Stewart has already given a thorough answer to your question.  Here is
something I wrote before receving his message.

What you have is the facsimile edition of the lute book copied by Mikulás
Smala z Lebensdorf (Nickolaus Schmall of Lebensdorf), scribe for Jaroslav
Borita, Baron of Martinic (1589-1649), a participant in the "Defenstration
of Prague." (Protestants invaded the Prague Castle in 1618 and threw
Jaroslave and two companions out the Chancellery window. All three
surivived the fall. Catholics claimed it was a divine miracle.  The
Protestants claimed they fell on a pile of horse dung.)

This is really a carefully and professionally copied lute book and the
ciphers are quite legible, once you become accustomed to the shapes of the
letters. There is a lute fingerboard depicted on folio 37v which shows the
tablature ciphers, and their shapes in relation to the frets and courses.

The book was compiled for Baron Borita and the pieces are of moderate
difficllty, and consist of many popular dances and songs of the time.

Originally the facsimile edition came in a boxed set with a prefatory
pamphlet in Czech, English, French, German and Russian by Jiri Tichota, the
noted Czech lute scholar.  If you are missing the preface, let me know and
i'll bring my copy to Cleveland and you can Xerox it.


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