"Herbert Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> But, no modern depiction of Jesus emphasizes Him as a nude man-baby. For
> example, I doubt that modern Baptists have a nude in any of their
> churches.
> address this difference in style and taste between 2004 and 1570, an 
> understanding of which might, I suspect, be applied to the playing of lute 
> music.

Sorry I didn't get this special point. Let me have a second try. Mary
with Jesus on her arms ceased to be depicted, after Reformation took
place, in regions with protestant sovereigns (cuius regio eius religio),
and in western Europe it became a subject for Roman Catholic painters,
mainly. The reason is, Mary was understood as representing the
(Catholic) Church. Protestant, i. e. lutheran, painters shifted their
focus on Christ's suffering in place of man and, so, depicted the young
man, and there was no problem with nudeness, in general, just look at
their paintings: you can see almost everything. There are, however,
exceptions from this focus, e. g. the adoration of the sages from East.
On the other hand, there was and is the Reformed Church (Calvinists)
with its many, many branches especially in the Americas (Baptists are
one of them). From the very beginnings in Calvin's days (mid-16th
century), they used to remove pictures, depictions, statues etc, from
their houses and churches and destroyed them because of the 1st, or 2nd,
of the Ten Commandments, depending on numeration. You will not see
either Jesus or a nude nor any depiction in a proper Baptist church.
It's not a difference in taste or style between 1570 and today, but it
has been a fundamental theological difference ever since. Calvinists
were suspicious against traditional stuff in general. That's why they
had no organs in their churches, and, of course, lutes were strictly
forbidden (tablatures were considered, so to say, the devil's prayer
book). Music, if any, had to be based on the Bible, e. g. a-capella
psalm chanting. That's why things like shape note singing were developed
(previous long thread on the list). So much for this. Hope it helps.



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