Dear Stewart,
Daniel Heart includes a quite lengthy discussion of this piece in his
edition of Attaignant where he compares it with Francesco da Milano's
fantasia on f. 62 of the Casteliono Lute book (Ness 24), not suggesting that
the same composition, but noting similarities and speculating that the
composer of Prelude 1
was a student of Francesco or at least very familiar with his style.
He does not list any concordances in his commentary on the piece
though. I would be happy to copy the passage from Heartz for you if that
would be helpful.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stewart McCoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Lute Net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2004 8:25 PM
Subject: Attaingnant and Siena

> Dear All,
> I have been looking at the first Prelude in Attaingnant's 1529
> collection of solo lute music. The piece also appears in the Siena
> Lute Book, ff. 17r-17v. Does anyone know of any other concordance?
> There are a few insignificant differences between the two sources
> like notes on the wrong line, where the two sources can be used to
> correct each other's mistakes. One can use one's common sense with
> regard to parallel fifths to correct a couple of dodgy notes. Apart
> from these little things there are some major differences, where
> Attaingnant apparently misses out great chunks of music. One of
> these chunks contains a sudden weird, and apparently unnecessary
> modulation to D major, and one wonders if it really should be there.
> Did Attaingnant deliberately leave out bars which seemed to him
> corrupt, or was it the Siena scribe, who accidentally added these
> extra bars, and they were never in Attaingnant's exemplar? Is the
> Siena version entirely plausible? It's all rather puzzling really.
> It is a jolly nice piece, not too hard to play, and sounds
> particularly lovely on my bass lute. If anyone can tell me more
> about this piece, I would be very grateful.
> Best wishes,
> Stewart McCoy.
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